Unit 1, 2 Willis Way, Fleets Lane Ind Est, Poole BH15 3SS

01202 069537

COVID-19 Pandemic – How Maidmans Are Responding
3rd June 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic – How Maidmans Are Responding


June 3rd 2020

Firstly, we would like to wish everyone good health and hope you are keeping safe and well.

Maidmans are BACK….. we are now fully operational and helping our customers move home. We have put some additional operational processes in place to help keep both our Customers and staff safe during these unprecedented times.

Along with our FREE house visit surveys, we are also offering you the option of virtual video surveys too for people who require a removals quote. A video survey is a very convenient and accurate way to receive a quotation quickly.

For more information about our removals and storage services call ☎️: 01202 069537

11th May 2020

As the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) progresses globally, we want to keep you informed of how the company is responding to this ongoing situation.

Maidmans will continue providing the best service for our customers by doing our utmost to keep everyone healthy and safe in the workplace and working to minimizing any disruptions to our day-to-day operations.

Our Operations

Maidmans aims to conduct “business as usual” whilst also implementing some preventative measures.

Our business requires complete compliance with government-imposed safety measures and restrictions whilst striving to maintain the best service for our customers.

Steps Include:

  • Closely following the development of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) across the world
  • All services are analysed based on countries restrictions at the time
  • We will ensure that we operate following the procedures of the correct authorities worldwide
  • Service delivery will move forward as normal if a Level 3 Warning country/region has not been visited by customers and family members during the 14-day period.
  • If a Level 3 Warning country has been visited, the destination country’s quarantine requirements must be upheld before service can proceed. For example, if the destination country has a 14-day quarantine period, services must be postponed until after the quarantine period and when the customer shows no symptoms COVID-19.
  • If the destination country has no government quarantine requirements, we will implement a 14-day service delay for the protection of staff.
  • This protocol is based solely on the countries visited during the 14-day period and has no basis on customer or family nationality.
  • We will use a Health and Travel Checklist to screen all customers and family members. A simple interview process will confirm if any high risk countries or regions have been visited in the past fortnight.
  • During this time, you are able to contact us via email to your direct contact or via info@maidmans.com

Our Employees

Precautionary measures are being taken to protect our employees as best as possible, therefore reducing the risk to our customers.

Preventative steps include:

  • All our crew members are to be checked and monitored daily with digital thermometers
  • We are ensuring the practice of good personal hygiene and workplace cleaning habits.
  • Hand sanitiser is provided in our offices and in all the vehicles
  • Crew members are provided with masks and gloves
  • Temporary ban on visitors and non-essential personnel having access to offices and warehouse
  • Restricting workplace entry for anyone with influenza symptoms.
  • Increased flexible work options that cater for social distancing (including working from home and avoiding face-to-face contact). We have invested in technology that allows us to chat, use video conferencing and other collaborative tools to maintain a high standard of service.
  • Managing any of our team members if they become ill at work.
  • Managing and monitoring our team members who travel overseas. Avoiding any unnecessary travel and cancelling or postponing non-essential meetings.

Where possible, we are offering digital solutions to our customers, such as virtual consultations for moving services.

This allows us to provide an extremely high level of service whilst minimising the possible spread of the virus.

As the matter continues to develop, we intend to keep you informed of all amendments to our working procedures, providing some transparency in this uncertain period.

We thank all of our customers for their patience during this trying time and wish everyone good health.

Take Care of Yourself

Fundamental advice remains the same, don’t panic and use common sense as you would when safeguarding against a cold or flu.

Don’t take any unnecessary risks and keep informed on all the latest developments.

Corona Virus Sanitising Guidelines

The World Health Organization (WHO) has highlighted the following essential measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Stay at home if you are unwell, if you are healthy avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Prevent touching your eyes, nose and mouth, particularly with unwashed hands.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, if that isn’t available use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Maintain social distancing between yourself and anyone who is coughing.
  • Practice good respiratory hygiene, you should cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze; be sure to throw the tissue away immediately.
  • Continually clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Stay up to date with the latest developments and be sure to follow the advice of healthcare providers and other reliable sources.

Maidmans Moving & Storage Ltd
Unit 1, 2 Willis Way
Fleets Lane Industrial Estate
Dorset BH15 3SS.
Tel: 01202 069537
Call now for a free home visit & moving quote
